Preschool Curriculum

Montessori School in East Toronto

Preschool Curriculum

The Preschool program at Victoria Education Centre Montessori and Child Care is designed with developmentally appropriate hands-on learning exercises. The Early Childhood Education programs provide an enriched curriculum in these areas of development: social-emotional, intellectual, and physical. Our low teacher to student ratio (1:8) aids the teacher in providing more personal time for each student. In addition, our prepared Montessori environment will help the child to develop self-discipline, hand-eye coordination, concentration, and a love for learning. The children will explore all five areas of the Montessori approach, which incorporates Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math, and Cultural subjects that will assist each child in reaching their overall potential.

With a positive attitude towards learning through class work, homework, enriched circles, play and games, the children will advance both academically and emotionally. Moreover, by the end of the Preschool year the child will be thoroughly prepared for an effortless transition into any Kindergarten program.

Language Goals

  • Sand paper letters.
  • Recognition of the letters of the alphabet.
  • The beginning and phonetic sounds of the alphabet.
  • Using metal insets designed to encourage writing skills.
  • Encouraging expression of vocabulary using 3-5 or more words.
  • Naming objects and parts of the body with simple and scientific nomenclature cards.
  • Answering and asking questions during circle time.
  • Exposure to books, storytelling, rhymes, songs, and poetry to encourage literacy.
  • Learning about the days of the week, months of the year, seasons, and the weather.
  • Discussions about the monthly themes.
  • Understanding and following the teacher’s instructions.

Math Goals

  • Recognizing and counting numbers 1-10 and above.
  • Sequencing of numbers.
  • Recognizing basic colours and shapes.
  • Sorting by colour, shape, and size.
  • Using number rods.
  • Comparing information using two categories (e.g., rough and smooth).
  • Identifying and reproducing simple patterns.
  • Associating a number(s) with quantity.

Cultural Subjects

  • Geography (using the continents and provinces puzzle map, also the sand paper and coloured globe).
  • Botany (using puzzles and the simple and scientific nomenclature cards).
  • Zoology (using different animal puzzles with control chart).
  • Biology (life cycles of a chicken, frog, beetle, etc.,)
  • Astronomy (study of the planets).

Fine Motor Development

  • Learning to hold a pencil or crayon using the three finger grasp.
  • Cutting on a straight line.
  • Threading beads/buttons.
  • Tracing using a pencil.
  • Opening and closing bottles/padlocks.
  • Screwing and unscrewing different things.
  • Transferring objects using a tong, spoon or tweezers.

Physical Development

  • Throwing and catching a large/small ball.
  • Climbing up and down the stairs independently.
  • Jumping over a small object.
  • Balancing on one leg for five seconds.
  • Jumping in and out of hoops.
  • Kicking a large/small ball with one leg.
  • Walking on a line from heel to toe.

Practical Life

  • Playing co-operatively in a large/small group and sharing toys.
  • Tidying up after play time.
    Saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
  • Putting on/taking off own jacket and shoes.
  • Being able to feed oneself using a spoon/fork.
  • Greeting peers and teachers upon arrival/departure.
  • Showing empathy and compassion towards peers.
  • Learning good personal hygiene (e.g. hand washing procedure, using tissue to clean face and to clean-up spills).

For more information, please contact us by phone at (416) 422-5550 or
